Friday, April 28, 2017

New Avengers Cover and Line up

After reviewing the story I made..I decided to switch out Scarlet Witch with Magik as her powers seem to make more sense for the ending of the story. Below is the new cover composition..
I also made an adjustment to Wolverines pose as well

Thursday, April 27, 2017

SuperGirl cover new final art work

Old Cover
and New cover below..a lot of improvement over 4 weeks in art. I can feel I'll be even better by end of summer..

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Supergirl new cover remix

I'm much happier with this cover I think its coming along a lot nicer

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Batman Page 03

working over some rough pencils and starting to finalize the pencils

BatGirl Cover concept

Batgirl cover concept start..started with some blue line art work and some rough buildings in the background
Made some adjustments to the head and added some colour in

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Avengers cover concept

Still working on the cover here is some slight progress

cleaned up Spider-man, Captain America and Wolverine
doing a little more work on Wolverine
More revisions on the cover..I felt it was getting too stiff

Supergirl cover reboot

Re doing the Supergirl cover for my sample pages the story has expanded to include Superman, Batman, and Darksied

above is my old cover

above is the intial Darksied sketch

above I added Superman and Batman

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Female Sci Fi Soldier

Reworking an old concept in a larger format.

Modern Soldier concept art

re working this concept piece I had sitting around on my computer

The Lone Ranger concept art work

Starting my own version of the lone ranger..and making the character female
here is the initial rough sketch

Tanto Rough initial sketch..I'll be making Tanto a female as well

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Conan Sample page 03

rough layouts for Conan page 03

Re working panels 1,2,3...1 and 2 I re did completely. and panel 3 I just flipped it to match the character placements from page 02
Panel 01 small addition to the shadows

XO ManoWar sample page 02

re working the perspective on page 02

X-O manowar sample page 01

Reworking the perspective on page 01

Friday, April 7, 2017

Avengers sample page 02

Layouts for page 2 started as well

Batman Page 02 sample

working on the rough layouts for page 02

Conan Sample page 02

starting layouts on my Conan story page 02
re working the perspective on panel 01
After working on page 02 again I decided to scrap it and start it over..the new layout is below
re did the layouts 1 more time..this time I'm happy with it and will move on to finalize the art work
Panel 1  character roughs

Avengers page 01 sample

Starting the rough layout on the avengers samples
Panel 02 edit

Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Avengers Cover page

starting rough layouts on the cover for my other sample story I'm working on

Batman Page 01

Starting page 01 sample rough layouts
roughing out the vehicles in panel 01

Batman vs Clayface cover remix

I went over some old did the inks and colours